Woke up to the sound of a jet starting up. Veronica, the
air traffic controller, took us for breakfast, a shower, to an Internet café and to the US border to get Olivier's visa. Thanks. We took off from Matamoros and flew over the border to Brownsville, Texas for
the second time. We cleared customs and immigration, bought fuel and aeronautical charts and after a hamburger headed north-west again. Landed at Johnson airfield, Port Mansfield. There are a lot of very nice little
airports in this country. Walked to the Sportsman's pub for a beer and a really horrible hamburger. Olivier and I decided there and then to avoid fast foods as much as possible while in the USA. It's a bit like
jumping into the sea and saying that we are going to try to avoid getting wet….
We slept under the stars on the tarmac in the
aircraft parking area. In the night it rained a few drops and so we put the tent up, but it passed and we continued sleeping in the open.